Monday, September 05, 2011

It was a summer filled of hypotheticals.  Dreams, you might say.  Maybe we weren't so committed to them all, but they were fun to play out, to carry through in our heads where we couldn't in real life.  Maybe it got a little bittersweet to let them go, to admit they were just pretend.

I want to say that it evolved slowly-- first a band, then a partnership, then something more.  But that wasn't how it was, really.  It went from one thing to something else, lightening fast.

Maybe because I was so enamored with how it felt, at first.  That first song.  I fell a little in love with you watching that song, over and over again.  Because I liked how you reacted to me.  Because I loved how confident I seemed, how good I sounded.

There was something in that band, something in that partnership, and I wanted more of it.

So fine, we fell in love.  We replaced the hypotheticals of album covers and tour dates with baby names and songs to walk down the aisle to-- we chose the same one, of course, because it all really started with that song, you and I.

We knew none of these things could really play out.  Nothing had been realistic from the harmony to the honeymoon-- these are all things in your future, not mine.

And they are in your future-- not just the future love, but the music.  It is yours.  It's so thoroughly yours that it could never really be mine.

You don't know how you hurt me tonight, and the truth is, I don't either.  Was it because, starting from the very beginning, before you'd even begun to play, you told me that you wanted to run away from your life to make music, and would I do it with you?-- and now it seems so clear that I'm unnecessary and burdensome in that plan.  Or was it because it's the perfect metaphor for everything else-- your future, so passionate and exciting and all before you, and I, I'm just some jumping-off point.  Someone who was never really meant to be your partner.

If I had to guess, I think it was because you were the only person I was ever really comfortable singing with, even from the very beginning, from so long ago.  And now I think I've really lost that.  There were signs it was slipping.  Those times we tried to record and we couldn't; I was losing confidence.  I wanted to make it look like I was just too distracted by the rush of being with you, but I couldn't let you see how scared I was to open up.

Maybe this whole romance was a distraction-- so you wouldn't really notice I didn't have anything to offer the band.  Well, it worked, for a while.  Maybe I fooled us both.

I don't know if I've made it clear how badly I used to want what it is your going for now-- you tell me that this, this here, this in front of you, this is my real art, and I'm so good at it.  But I never really thought of this as anything more than a distraction from the things I wanted.  The things they all told me I couldn't do.

Dreams, you might say.

And you, you told me I could have them.  But every time you pick up that six-stringed sadist, it's clear that I can't; not the way you can.  Not the way you will.

I warned you, that guitar was going to be a problem.

On with it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I'm pretty sure no one will read this, but I'll post this....maybe as something as a tribute.  Until I can find something to say about it, it should be known that this has been Dan's summer.

Among other things, this shit is why I love him.

FieryGwenivere: (12:57:11 AM)Jesus, you're pulling out the Leonard Cohen?
iamtehleetness: (12:57:30 AM)Jeff Buckley in my case
FieryGwenivere: (12:57:42 AM)well, Leonard Cohen wrote it
iamtehleetness: (12:57:56 AM)eh, the performance sells it for me
FieryGwenivere: (12:57:56 AM)so when you quote it, you're quoting Leonard Cohen
FieryGwenivere: (12:58:04 AM)Let me try this again
FieryGwenivere: (12:58:13 AM)Jesus, you're pulling out the Leonard Cohen lyrics?
FieryGwenivere: (12:58:42 AM)And that's not fair. Jeff Buckley did a beautiful version of the song, but without Leonard Cohen, there's no song to do a beautiful version of
iamtehleetness: (12:59:11 AM)I recognize that it's a cover, but Jeff Buckley's version is the only one that matters to me
FieryGwenivere: (12:59:22 AM)Rufus Wainwright, motherfucker
iamtehleetness: (12:59:24 AM)Yeah, Cohens was the first, but in my mind Buckley's was the best
iamtehleetness: (12:59:35 AM)again, best
iamtehleetness: (12:59:49 AM)though I did like Shrek
FieryGwenivere: (1:00:00 AM)I prefer Rufus Wainwright, but it was the first version I'd heard
FieryGwenivere: (1:00:09 AM)and I also have....strong associations with people I'm found of
iamtehleetness: (1:00:27 AM)is that the english spelling?
FieryGwenivere: (1:00:39 AM).....fond
iamtehleetness: (1:00:39 AM)and by english I mean british
FieryGwenivere: (1:00:48 AM)no, that's me being tired
iamtehleetness: (1:00:48 AM)it does have some colour to it
iamtehleetness: (1:01:06 AM)I had a ridiculously long day today, and on my way home that popped up
iamtehleetness: (1:01:12 AM)so I listened to it all the way through
iamtehleetness: (1:01:27 AM)and I usually quote another couplet, so I thought I'd change it up
FieryGwenivere: (1:01:51 AM)If there were a fight for the official best song of all time, it would certainly have a place in the finals
iamtehleetness: (1:02:36 AM)I'm trying to think of what would be in that fight
FieryGwenivere: (1:03:02 AM)I submit ...Bohemian Rhapsody
FieryGwenivere: (1:03:09 AM)Ave Maria
FieryGwenivere: (1:03:24 AM)Maybe....Moonlight Sonata
iamtehleetness: (1:03:40 AM)Beethoven's 5th
FieryGwenivere: (1:03:42 AM)Piano Man
FieryGwenivere: (1:04:01 AM)I honestly don't know which one Beethoven's 5th is
iamtehleetness: (1:04:08 AM)dun dun dun DUNNNNN
FieryGwenivere: (1:04:18 AM)Paint it Black
FieryGwenivere: (1:04:29 AM)Eh.  Never been fond of it, I think
FieryGwenivere: (1:04:40 AM)What a Wonderful World
iamtehleetness: (1:04:50 AM)oh god, that song makes me tear up sometimes
FieryGwenivere: (1:04:56 AM)Smells like Teen Spirit
iamtehleetness: (1:05:24 AM)I submit Otherside
FieryGwenivere: (1:05:33 AM)I always thought that if I was going to make a mix CD with the goal in mind to make every one...wait, the anal sex song?
iamtehleetness: (1:05:54 AM)okay...what?
FieryGwenivere: (1:06:01 AM)I always thought that if I was going to make a mix CD with the goal in mind to make every one who listened to it cry, I would definitely end it with "What a Wonderful World"
FieryGwenivere: (1:06:07 AM)what is Otherside?
FieryGwenivere: (1:06:25 AM)yeah, that's the anal sex song
iamtehleetness: (1:06:26 AM)RHCP, Californication
iamtehleetness: (1:06:30 AM)is that really?
FieryGwenivere: (1:06:32 AM)yeah
FieryGwenivere: (1:06:35 AM)it's about anal sex
iamtehleetness: (1:06:56 AM)by the way, my thought process when I read your IM was really confused
FieryGwenivere: (1:07:03 AM)I kinda really don't like that song that much
iamtehleetness: (1:07:16 AM)because I saw "mix CD to make everyone" and then I saw "anal sex"
FieryGwenivere: (1:07:16 AM)I want to block the nomination, it's not a great song at all
FieryGwenivere: (1:07:59 AM)Oh, I had one of those moments the other night where I go from kinda liking a song to loving it, for the first time
FieryGwenivere: (1:08:07 AM)something by Tracy Chapman, what was it...
FieryGwenivere: (1:08:30 AM)you know what, whatever it was, I don't have it
FieryGwenivere: (1:08:35 AM)oh, Give me One Reason
iamtehleetness: (1:08:45 AM)not to be crude, but I think you're talking out your ass on the whole Otherside thing
FieryGwenivere: (1:08:48 AM)I'm not submitting it, but it was a good moment
FieryGwenivere: (1:09:00 AM)no, like, it was well understood when I was in high school that it was about anal sex
iamtehleetness: (1:09:15 AM)maybe to your addled teenage high school brain
iamtehleetness: (1:09:22 AM)pretty sure it's about addiction
iamtehleetness: (1:09:30 AM)as are like 60% of Kiedis' lyrics
FieryGwenivere: (1:09:47 AM)Anal.  Sex.
iamtehleetness: (1:10:04 AM)Is it wrong to submit "Tribute" to the list?
iamtehleetness: (1:10:06 AM)by Tenacious D
iamtehleetness: (1:10:25 AM)but yeah, definitely not about anal sex
FieryGwenivere: (1:11:06 AM)Jesus christ, yes, it's wrong
FieryGwenivere: (1:11:15 AM)These are the best songs of all time!
FieryGwenivere: (1:11:27 AM)if you're going with a comedy song, it almost has to be Weird Al
iamtehleetness: (1:11:39 AM)"This is not the greatest song in the world, this is just at tribute"
iamtehleetness: (1:11:44 AM)it's a pretty good song on it's own
iamtehleetness: (1:11:53 AM)steals the chord progression and everything
iamtehleetness: (1:12:01 AM)as for another nomination, L-O-V-E Nat King Cole
FieryGwenivere: (1:12:12 AM)not even, it's not even the best Nat King Cole song
FieryGwenivere: (1:12:21 AM)I mean, I like it
iamtehleetness: (1:12:25 AM)this isn't about the best Nat King Cole song
iamtehleetness: (1:12:29 AM)it's about the greatest songs
iamtehleetness: (1:12:35 AM)best song of all time
FieryGwenivere: (1:12:42 AM)Right, but it can't be the best song of all time if it's not even the greatest song by him
iamtehleetness: (1:12:57 AM)you're twisted
FieryGwenivere: (1:13:05 AM)What do you mean?
FieryGwenivere: (1:13:37 AM)Okay, I'm not familiar enough with Otherside to say what it IS or ISN'T about, just that, when I was in high school, everyone referred to it as "the anal sex song"
FieryGwenivere: (1:14:06 AM)I give a shit what it's really about, I never liked it
iamtehleetness: (1:14:11 AM)Foxey Lady, Hendrix
FieryGwenivere: (1:14:18 AM)yeah, I'll give you that one
FieryGwenivere: (1:14:27 AM)though Brick House probably belongs on there, too
iamtehleetness: (1:14:53 AM)hmm
iamtehleetness: (1:15:21 AM)ALL DUBSTEP EVER
iamtehleetness: (1:15:22 AM)hehhhhhhh
FieryGwenivere: (1:15:27 AM)I think Sinatra needs some representation, though I frankly always preferred Dean Martin
FieryGwenivere: (1:16:19 AM)I'd go for The Lady is a Tramp if I had to pick, but I could be swayed otherwise
iamtehleetness: (1:16:43 AM)I do feel compelled to nominate something by Zeppelin, even though I know you'd be opposed to Stairway
FieryGwenivere: (1:16:57 AM)Jesus, what IS the best Nat King Cole song?  Unforgettable?  Stardust?  Orange-Colored Sky?
FieryGwenivere: (1:17:10 AM)No, Stairway belongs on there
FieryGwenivere: (1:17:15 AM)It's iconic, beloved
FieryGwenivere: (1:17:34 AM)and honestly, I probably just give you shit about it.  Oh, we need Pink Floyd.
iamtehleetness: (1:17:41 AM)Comfortable Numb
FieryGwenivere: (1:17:43 AM)And....Born to Run by Springsteen, probably
iamtehleetness: (1:17:46 AM)ughhh
FieryGwenivere: (1:17:47 AM)Comfortably
iamtehleetness: (1:17:49 AM)that song sucks so much dick
FieryGwenivere: (1:17:55 AM)No, it so doesn;t
FieryGwenivere: (1:18:02 AM)I didn't get it before
FieryGwenivere: (1:18:08 AM)but I went through one of those moments
iamtehleetness: (1:18:09 AM)yes, it really does.  It's nowhere near as good as people think it is
FieryGwenivere: (1:18:19 AM)when I watched the opening to the....grammies....emmies....gah
FieryGwenivere: (1:18:42 AM)Fine, but you can't NOT have Springsteen....I personally think "The River" is a better song, but it's just not right for the list
iamtehleetness: (1:18:58 AM)by the way, Unforgettable is definitely the best of the ones you listed
FieryGwenivere: (1:19:00 AM)Glory Days is well liked, but it sucks
iamtehleetness: (1:19:01 AM)I love that song
FieryGwenivere: (1:19:04 AM)Stardust is awesome
iamtehleetness: (1:19:24 AM)Unforgettable has the style though, I love the groove
FieryGwenivere: (1:19:25 AM)hmmm, I do not have Unforgettable...what is wrong with me?
FieryGwenivere: (1:19:46 AM)The original, or the Natalie Cole reworking?
iamtehleetness: (1:19:51 AM)original
iamtehleetness: (1:19:56 AM)the bass and piano work so well together
FieryGwenivere: (1:20:00 AM)I'm a sucked for both, I think
iamtehleetness: (1:20:30 AM)Exit Music For a Film?
iamtehleetness: (1:20:32 AM)hmmmm
FieryGwenivere: (1:20:40 AM)okay, we have depressingly few songs by women
FieryGwenivere: (1:20:42 AM)sooooo
iamtehleetness: (1:20:44 AM)How to Disappear Completely is probably more iconic
FieryGwenivere: (1:20:52 AM)Crazy by Patsy Cline without a doubt
FieryGwenivere: (1:20:57 AM)I have never heard of any of those
iamtehleetness: (1:21:02 AM)Radiohead
FieryGwenivere: (1:21:03 AM)either, rather
FieryGwenivere: (1:21:05 AM)oh, okay
FieryGwenivere: (1:21:09 AM)if it's radiohead, I won't argue
FieryGwenivere: (1:21:29 AM)I thought it was some underground emo shit that only you and twelve other people have ever heard of
iamtehleetness: (1:21:40 AM)..
iamtehleetness: (1:21:58 AM)like a meat cleaver, your wit is
FieryGwenivere: (1:22:05 AM)What's the best Buddy Holly song?
FieryGwenivere: (1:22:12 AM)I think maybe Everyday
iamtehleetness: (1:22:15 AM)I know no Buddy Holly
FieryGwenivere: (1:22:15 AM)or...Every Day
FieryGwenivere: (1:22:17 AM)whatever it is
iamtehleetness: (1:22:18 AM)unless it's really mainstream
iamtehleetness: (1:22:23 AM)and I didn't know it was by him
FieryGwenivere: (1:22:42 AM)ah, you need to listen to Every Day right now
FieryGwenivere: (1:22:49 AM)this is the earliest song I remember being my favorite song
FieryGwenivere: (1:22:57 AM)I think it was my favorite when I was, like, four
FieryGwenivere: (1:23:07 AM)that and "Grandma's Feather Bed" by John Denver
iamtehleetness: (1:23:09 AM)oh yeah
iamtehleetness: (1:23:11 AM)I know this song
FieryGwenivere: (1:23:35 AM)I almost would argue that Annie's Song belongs on the list, but I'm not sure how skewed my perception of John Denver's importance is
iamtehleetness: (1:23:50 AM)hardon
FieryGwenivere: (1:24:08 AM)Uhm.....I gave you a hard on by talking about John Denver?
iamtehleetness: (1:24:14 AM)No, you have a hardon
iamtehleetness: (1:24:16 AM)for John Denver
FieryGwenivere: (1:24:40 AM)Well, I....I think he was pretty huge with a certain crowd in a certain time period.  But I'm not positive
FieryGwenivere: (1:24:55 AM)Then again, he did that song....shit....
iamtehleetness: (1:25:02 AM)what about Tiny Dancer!
iamtehleetness: (1:25:09 AM)Hold me closer tiny dancer...
FieryGwenivere: (1:25:15 AM)What's that song that's always...oh yeah, well, I would go with Maybe Rocket Man?
iamtehleetness: (1:25:24 AM)oh, yeah probably
FieryGwenivere: (1:25:32 AM)What's that song they play in Final Destination?
FieryGwenivere: (1:25:40 AM)Though Crocodile Rock is pretty fucking great as well
iamtehleetness: (1:25:43 AM)I've never seen the original
iamtehleetness: (1:25:53 AM)just the 2nd and 3rd, I actually liked the 2nd
FieryGwenivere: (1:26:05 AM)shit, I do not have enough John Denver on this computer
FieryGwenivere: (1:26:35 AM)I don't know if it's the....Almost heaven, west virginia.  Blue ridge mountains, shenandoa river!  Life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains...!
iamtehleetness: (1:26:55 AM)I feel eminem should be on this list somewhere
FieryGwenivere: (1:26:56 AM)oh wait, it might be...Rocky Mountain High
iamtehleetness: (1:26:59 AM)he has some really good songs
FieryGwenivere: (1:27:18 AM)But what is his best/most iconic song?
iamtehleetness: (1:27:25 AM)best? I'd say Stan
iamtehleetness: (1:27:33 AM)just because the sample is perfect, and the lyrics are really really good
FieryGwenivere: (1:27:37 AM)Stan is just barely a song
FieryGwenivere: (1:27:43 AM)it's....more a performance piece
iamtehleetness: (1:27:59 AM)eh, iconic
iamtehleetness: (1:28:05 AM)what was his first big release? what was it called?
FieryGwenivere: (1:28:07 AM)It's a dido song with some speaking parts
iamtehleetness: (1:28:21 AM)drank a fifth of vodka, dare me to drive?
iamtehleetness: (1:28:25 AM)fuck, what was it called
FieryGwenivere: (1:28:32 AM)uhm...If there's no reason why a man and another man...oh, we're on two different songs
iamtehleetness: (1:28:40 AM)can't elope
iamtehleetness: (1:28:40 AM)haha
iamtehleetness: (1:28:48 AM)that's...the real slim shady
FieryGwenivere: (1:28:49 AM)my name is
iamtehleetness: (1:28:51 AM)that was meh
iamtehleetness: (1:28:52 AM)yeah
iamtehleetness: (1:28:56 AM)that's a great song
iamtehleetness: (1:29:14 AM)I didn't like The Real Slim Shady
FieryGwenivere: (1:29:17 AM)I like Eminem, I'm not sure he belongs on the list
iamtehleetness: (1:29:27 AM)oh, we're forgetting a really important song
FieryGwenivere: (1:29:29 AM)I definitely like The Real Slim Shady, but I'm not submitting it
FieryGwenivere: (1:29:42 AM)I was never familiar with My Name Is
iamtehleetness: (1:29:49 AM)Photograph by Nickelback, how could we forget that?
FieryGwenivere: (1:29:58 AM)AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
iamtehleetness: (1:30:00 AM)classic
FieryGwenivere: (1:30:08 AM)Are you?  Please fucking kill me
FieryGwenivere: (1:30:17 AM)No one who has seen me naked is allowed to believe that
iamtehleetness: (1:30:31 AM)what?  The rhymes are really clever
FieryGwenivere: (1:30:35 AM)Are you?
FieryGwenivere: (1:30:38 AM)You are trolling
FieryGwenivere: (1:30:41 AM)You fucking troll
iamtehleetness: (1:30:43 AM)hahahaha
FieryGwenivere: (1:30:59 AM)Jesus christ dan
FieryGwenivere: (1:31:06 AM)I was about to burn my vagina off
iamtehleetness: (1:31:25 AM)it's too easy with you
iamtehleetness: (1:31:35 AM)at least online
iamtehleetness: (1:31:41 AM)not hard to be a troll on AIM
FieryGwenivere: (1:32:13 AM)yeah, well.  You're taking a hit on just having typed that sentence
FieryGwenivere: (1:32:16 AM)jesus
FieryGwenivere: (1:32:26 AM)Anyway.  My Name Is does not make the list
FieryGwenivere: (1:32:46 AM)it's definitely not the best Eminem song and it's not his most iconic either, considering I honestly think I've only heard it like twice
FieryGwenivere: (1:33:07 AM)And yes, that clearly matters
iamtehleetness: (1:33:13 AM)obviously
FieryGwenivere: (1:33:26 AM)Christ, though, I had one a second ago
FieryGwenivere: (1:33:31 AM)somethign that REALLY belonged on the list, what was it?
iamtehleetness: (1:33:44 AM)you're gonna think I'm pretentious, but Prelude in C Sharp Minor by Rakhmaninov
FieryGwenivere: (1:33:45 AM)Oh
FieryGwenivere: (1:34:01 AM)You Can Tell by the Way I walk that I'm a Woman's Man, no time to talk....Stayin' Alive
FieryGwenivere: (1:34:08 AM)Also, Let's Get it On by Marvin Gaye
iamtehleetness: (1:34:14 AM)hah
iamtehleetness: (1:34:31 AM)that's only on there because of how often it's been played during sex
FieryGwenivere: (1:34:44 AM)No, I totally believe that Prelude in C Sharp Minor gets your Rahk's maninov....
FieryGwenivere: (1:35:33 AM)(gets your rocks off, in case that wasn't clear)
iamtehleetness: (1:35:39 AM)oh, was that it?
FieryGwenivere: (1:35:58 AM)We need more women
iamtehleetness: (1:35:58 AM)Blister in the Sun
FieryGwenivere: (1:36:05 AM)Respect by Aretha Franklin
FieryGwenivere: (1:36:12 AM)Uhm?   Blister in the what now?  who is this?
iamtehleetness: (1:36:19 AM)Violent Femmes
iamtehleetness: (1:36:28 AM)When I'm walkin I strut my stuff and I'm so strung out
iamtehleetness: (1:36:35 AM)maybe not best of all time, but that line is iconic as hell
FieryGwenivere: (1:36:41 AM)Uh?  Sure
FieryGwenivere: (1:36:45 AM)never heard it
iamtehleetness: (1:37:01 AM)oh, if Paint It Black is on there then Sunshine of Your Love is on there
FieryGwenivere: (1:37:23 AM)Okay, sure.  Haven't heard of it
FieryGwenivere: (1:37:34 AM)Oh shit, we don't have any Simon & Garfunkel
iamtehleetness: (1:37:41 AM)Only Living Boy?
FieryGwenivere: (1:37:47 AM)probably Sound of Silence, though it's not my personal favorite
FieryGwenivere: (1:38:06 AM)You gotta stop mentioning songs I've never heard of, it's making the conversation much less itneresting for me
iamtehleetness: (1:38:14 AM)Only Living Boy in New York
iamtehleetness: (1:38:19 AM)It's a Simon and Garfunkel song
FieryGwenivere: (1:38:23 AM)hmmm
FieryGwenivere: (1:38:30 AM)Not one I've heard
FieryGwenivere: (1:38:54 AM)Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison? Or...was that even good?
iamtehleetness: (1:39:00 AM)ehhhh
FieryGwenivere: (1:39:24 AM)Closer by NIN
FieryGwenivere: (1:39:44 AM)Best Theme Song nominations
FieryGwenivere: (1:39:54 AM)Cheers
FieryGwenivere: (1:40:07 AM)you know what?  I think that may be the only one we need....
iamtehleetness: (1:40:16 AM)um
iamtehleetness: (1:40:43 AM)I've never heard a theme song and really loved it
iamtehleetness: (1:40:46 AM)so I can't really participate
FieryGwenivere: (1:40:48 AM)oh, we have no Metallica.  I have a lot of friends who would be super pissed at me.  My favorite is The Unforgiven II, but for the purposes of the list, probably Enter Sandman
FieryGwenivere: (1:40:50 AM)what?
FieryGwenivere: (1:40:51 AM)what?
FieryGwenivere: (1:40:52 AM)WHAT?
iamtehleetness: (1:41:09 AM)maybe Happy Days?  I dunno
FieryGwenivere: (1:41:14 AM)You know what's a truly great song?  The Wr......
FieryGwenivere: (1:41:16 AM)Happy day?s
iamtehleetness: (1:41:20 AM)I dont fucking know
FieryGwenivere: (1:41:22 AM)Monday, tuesday, Happy Days?
iamtehleetness: (1:41:30 AM)that's the only theme song that springs to mind!
iamtehleetness: (1:41:38 AM)I dont remember shows for their themes!
FieryGwenivere: (1:41:45 AM)What about....I mean, there are a thousand great ones
FieryGwenivere: (1:41:52 AM)I think Cheers wins is by default
FieryGwenivere: (1:41:55 AM)by Sesame Street
FieryGwenivere: (1:41:57 AM)*but
FieryGwenivere: (1:42:00 AM)uhm....
FieryGwenivere: (1:42:13 AM)You could make an argument for Family guy well before Happy Days
FieryGwenivere: (1:42:18 AM)The Office
FieryGwenivere: (1:42:24 AM)Full House
iamtehleetness: (1:42:31 AM)A thousand great ones and you bust out Sesame Street and Family Guy
FieryGwenivere: (1:42:32 AM)The Golden Girls
iamtehleetness: (1:42:33 AM)I'm sold
iamtehleetness: (1:42:42 AM)pausenot
FieryGwenivere: (1:42:49 AM)SUNNY DAYS!  CHASING MY....CARS AWAY
FieryGwenivere: (1:42:51 AM)....cares
FieryGwenivere: (1:43:07 AM)I Dream of Jeannie, I Love Lucy
iamtehleetness: (1:43:12 AM)Can you tell me how to get
iamtehleetness: (1:43:16 AM)how to get to Sesame Street?
iamtehleetness: (1:43:24 AM)I watch that show far too often
FieryGwenivere: (1:43:32 AM)I haven't seen it in far too long
FieryGwenivere: (1:43:37 AM)come over and let's watch sesame street
FieryGwenivere: (1:43:41 AM)oh, Fraggle Rock
iamtehleetness: (1:43:48 AM)Gulla Gulla Island!!
FieryGwenivere: (1:43:52 AM)...
iamtehleetness: (1:43:54 AM)=p
FieryGwenivere: (1:43:58 AM)Okay, well
FieryGwenivere: (1:44:04 AM)you COULD make a very good argument
FieryGwenivere: (1:44:07 AM)for Gilligan's Island
FieryGwenivere: (1:44:18 AM)or MASH
iamtehleetness: (1:44:30 AM)you're naming so many shows that I've really never seen
FieryGwenivere: (1:44:36 AM)....
FieryGwenivere: (1:44:40 AM)you goddamn younguns
iamtehleetness: (1:44:44 AM)I grew up on Adult Swim
iamtehleetness: (1:44:45 AM)what can I say
FieryGwenivere: (1:44:47 AM)Fine
iamtehleetness: (1:44:47 AM)Oh!!
iamtehleetness: (1:44:49 AM)ATHF
FieryGwenivere: (1:44:49 AM)then 
iamtehleetness: (1:44:51 AM)haha
FieryGwenivere: (1:44:53 AM)MY NAME IS SHAKE ZULA
iamtehleetness: (1:44:54 AM)that's a nomination by me
iamtehleetness: (1:44:58 AM)THE MIC RULA
iamtehleetness: (1:45:00 AM)OLD SCHOOLA
FieryGwenivere: (1:45:17 AM)YOU WANNA...wait, what's that word?
iamtehleetness: (1:45:27 AM)You wanna trip, I'll give it to ya
iamtehleetness: (1:45:29 AM)or trick
iamtehleetness: (1:45:31 AM)or tip
iamtehleetness: (1:45:32 AM)not sure which
iamtehleetness: (1:45:41 AM)Frylock and I'm on top rock you like a cock
iamtehleetness: (1:45:48 AM)meatwad you're up next with tha knock knockkkkk
FieryGwenivere: (1:45:53 AM)Meat wad with the honey, G
iamtehleetness: (1:45:58 AM)meatwad get the money see
FieryGwenivere: (1:46:03 AM)Riding in my car
iamtehleetness: (1:46:06 AM)drivin like a star
FieryGwenivere: (1:46:15 AM)ice on my fingers and my toes and I'm a taaaaaurrrrrrus
iamtehleetness: (1:46:16 AM)ice on my fingers and my toes and I'm a taurus
iamtehleetness: (1:46:22 AM)haha
FieryGwenivere: (1:46:23 AM)AH, check check it
FieryGwenivere: (1:46:37 AM)see, I started typing it BEFORE you said ATHF
iamtehleetness: (1:46:43 AM)fuck watching Sesame Street
iamtehleetness: (1:46:46 AM)let's watch ATHF
iamtehleetness: (1:46:49 AM)GENTLEMEN
iamtehleetness: (1:46:50 AM)BEHOLD
FieryGwenivere: (1:46:56 AM)Nah, I'm only....sometimes into it
FieryGwenivere: (1:47:01 AM)I really have to be in the right frame of mind
FieryGwenivere: (1:47:04 AM)since I don't smoke pot
FieryGwenivere: (1:47:10 AM)but I could get into watching archer abou tnow
FieryGwenivere: (1:47:38 AM)It still shocks me how much I love that show
iamtehleetness: (1:47:44 AM)I saw a season finale to Venture Bros once while high and I couldn't stop laughing
FieryGwenivere: (1:47:54 AM)I MIGHT eclipse Venture Bros., one of these days
FieryGwenivere: (1:48:08 AM)God, I love Venture Bros.
FieryGwenivere: (1:48:12 AM)I love them both so much
iamtehleetness: (1:48:18 AM)Archer is consistently funny, Venture Bros is only funny half the time
iamtehleetness: (1:48:23 AM)but when it's funny it's fucking hilarious
FieryGwenivere: (1:48:39 AM)No, Venture Bros. is always funny
FieryGwenivere: (1:48:51 AM)but it's funny in a lot of subtler ways
iamtehleetness: (1:49:19 AM)it's like the emo underground shit of television shows that only you and twelve other people think is funny
iamtehleetness: (1:49:30 AM)it's so subtle
FieryGwenivere: (1:49:42 AM)bullshit, you love that show too
iamtehleetness: (1:49:51 AM)of course I do, I'm just making fun of you
FieryGwenivere: (1:50:21 AM)Best Beatles song?
iamtehleetness: (1:50:30 AM)hmm
iamtehleetness: (1:50:32 AM)that's tough
FieryGwenivere: (1:50:46 AM)my favorite is, honestly, When I'm Sixty-Four
FieryGwenivere: (1:51:01 AM)but I'd probably nominate Across the Universe
iamtehleetness: (1:51:24 AM)I like Harrison more than the other three combined
FieryGwenivere: (1:51:28 AM)Hey Jude and Imagine are both so overrated they make me want to piss on Lennon's grave
iamtehleetness: (1:51:39 AM)so I'd nominate While My Guitar Gently Weeps
iamtehleetness: (1:51:58 AM)Happiness is a Warm Gun too, they're both so good musically
FieryGwenivere: (1:52:01 AM)I honestly don't know that I've ever listened to that with any modicum of intention
iamtehleetness: (1:52:21 AM)did you say that because I lauded you for using the word 'modicum'?
FieryGwenivere: (1:52:29 AM)no, I just...I use the word
FieryGwenivere: (1:52:35 AM)it's a word I use
FieryGwenivere: (1:53:05 AM)should "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" kick Paint it Black of the list?  that's a tough call for me
FieryGwenivere: (1:54:02 AM)Somewhere Over the Rainbow belongs in there
FieryGwenivere: (1:54:15 AM)California Dreamin'
iamtehleetness signed off at 1:54 AM.
FieryGwenivere: (1:54:37 AM)bullshit, Bridgman, we're finishing this!
FieryGwenivere: (1:55:05 AM)Both Sides Now, Joni Mitchell
FieryGwenivere: (1:55:12 AM)oh jesus
FieryGwenivere: (1:55:24 AM)We've left off American Pie, what the fuck?
FieryGwenivere: (1:56:04 AM)Best Johnny Cash?  Folsom Prison Blues, maybe?  Boy Named Sue?
FieryGwenivere: (1:56:30 AM)How dare you make me do this alone

I <3.

On with it.