Hahahahahahahhaa! Quote of the fucking day!
(In reference to our horribly carved, completely awful screw-up of a jackolatern):
Andrew: :-) That was a beautiful pumpkin. I don't think many things could have better symbolized our relationship.
Ah! So cruel and so true! Hahaha!
(You wouldn't know it was funny unless you had seen the pumpkin....holy shit, was that an awful pumpkin. We cut, like, a large portion if it's forhead off entirely and then had to sort of reattach it with wire.....haha, shit.)
Andrew: Seriously, think about it, Linda: Disgusting, horrible for others to look upon, composed of a couple poorly meshed-together pieces of crap....that was us!
As of right now, I've edited and re-posted this one thing three times. Hopefully this is the end of it.
On with it.