Ben and Em are amazing.
Em, having read this site and knowing generally more than the rest of you, e-mails me for no other reason than to let me know that everything's okay so far as she goes and she's happy for me. And she fully encourages my rejoicing to her. She's amazing.
Ben is being trés supportive as well, being that I have just broken up whatever nameless involvement we've had since, like, halfway through Andrew- don't get me wrong, I never actually did anything with Ben while I was with Andrew...well, once, but our relationship certainly wasn't the picture of platonicy.
Not that many of you know why all this has happened yet, but while I've talked to most of the affected parties about it, I've yet to sit down and discuss it with Andrew, and while he probably doesn't check the site, on the offchance that he might, he doesn't deserve to have to read it.
So, yeah....all this excitement puts me in the mood to call Jeff. What a surprise. On with it.