Wednesday, December 05, 2001

So earlier I wrote a nice lengthy post, but blogger ate it for a late dinner. Suffice to say I pointed out that I was too afraid certain people might read my site, unexpectedly, and that would fuck both me and them up the ass. I also sent out a vivacious hello to my fan from across the seas, who checked my site again, according to the hit stats. Other than that, I talked about how I was downloading a little somethin' somethin' to convert a midi into sheet music for me and talked about my renewed interest in making music. I probably said something else, too, but who cares anymore? I hope it gives blogger indigestion!

So I went downstairs and practiced on the old pewter saxophone once I was through with the sheet music thing. The pewter saxophone needs about 500 dollras worth of repairs to work at's a real struggle playing it the way it is, some keys randomly decide not to work, it needs to be repadded and realigned, etc. But it's tone is soooo much more gorgeous than the new one.

Ben and I are forgetting our troubles together in our plan to take Jeff and Molly and go live in the Ozarks and go have orgies in some abandoned log cabin and not come back until we'd had too many orgasms to go on with it. Now we just have to convince Molly and Jeff...and hope our friends and families won't hate us for randomly leaving for however long...except shit like that is exactly what makes me constantly conspire with people to do things like this- I don't want to be held accountable for anyone's tears anymore. Not right now, anyway. Maybe tomorrow morning I'll wake up just overwhelmed with excitement about the fact that I can, and frequently do, make people feel like shit just by acting like myself, but right now....I'd rather just be sleeping in the warm, fragrant air of the black hills with a lover to one side, a friend to the other, a king-sized matress underneath me and the gorgeous star-filled mountain sky above....and, you know, a complete stranger somewhere else on the bed. But still. I think I'll go to bed dreaming about that tonight.

Ben seems to be rooting for arizona...that'd work too. I don't care that much. Though I'd want to stop at the Ozarks on the way- my favorite book of all time was set there. I always thought it would be gorgeous.

There was SOMETHING else I wanted to say, but having no concept whatsoever anymore of what it was, I think I'll be off. My bed summons sweetly....hmm, summons, good word for my pretty-sounding word list.

On with it....