Thursday, November 29, 2001

So, yeah, accidentally outed myself to Dominique today, among other things. It was pretty awkward- I was letting her and Amber read something in my journal, and Amber wandered over to a description of Kelly that I had written a few months ago. So they're both standing there reading about all these dumb-ass things I'm saying about Kelly, pathetic as and including "I love the way she adjusts her eyebrow ring" which I hope to GOD was something I was just writing stream-of-conscous style at the time......because otherwise it's really fucking dumb.

Uh, other feelings/thoughts du moment: I feel like shit for what's happened in the me/ben/nick triangle or however the fuck you'd describe it. I suppose it's a good sign that I'm taking full responsibility for something I'm fully responsible for, for once, but dayum it's different for me blaming no one but myself.

And I have no clean underwear for tomorrow. Man, things are just harsh right now.

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I see Jeff! Tomorrow! It's only a day a-way! Though, in the present situation, that has the potential to be....kind of fucked up, anyway. Chad, Em, Mr. Ladd wish me luck! Everyone else, do it without the slightest idea what's actually going on! All shall reveal itself in due course.

SATs saturday....and tri sleep, so that will be good....assuming I can pay at the door, cause otherwise I'm fucked. Except that I really, really doubt that derek, pete or mike wouldn't find some way to get me in. Sunday's my day of recooperation from friday and saturday, both which will be "intense", to steal the argot of the jewel in the crown of astoundingly bad gay cinema, "High Art". Don't rent it. It's awful. And Ally Sheedy doesn't look really into the whole kissing other girls bit. Then Monday. Monday is going to be....really damned....."intense". (Stupid fucking lesbian movie...)

For some reason, I don't want to give someone who may or may not still read this page the satisfaction of knowing about what's happening on monday, apparently I'm angry at her. Either way, that shall remain private from this site. That's right- I'm keeping another pseudo-secret, Mr. Leighton would be proud!

(Note: Since I don't give a damn about privacy, and I don't think Mr. Leighton is at all correct in his assertion that I would be better served keeping things to myself, you can go ahead and just ask about monday, if you're interested, and I'll tell you, assuming you aren't her.)

Thassall for tonight, folks. On with it~