Thursday, February 07, 2002

Greg apparently checked my site and found out I was going to New York- or perhaps he just assumed I was because I told him I was trying to. Either way, he left a message asking me to tell him when I'm going down there and calling me Aurora- I don't know why he did, but Aurora, I believe, was the goddess of the dawn and right now- having been stressed all week about winter carnival with absolutely no outside encouragement, a Greg-figure calling me a goddess name is exactly what I needed. It's been a while since anyone's called me anything other than "Babe", "Slut" or, well, "Linda".

When Greg and I are on each other's good side, we give each other boosts that other people couldn't possibly accomplish- for either of us, I think. I complemented him once and he said it was the single most wonderful thing anyone had ever said to him, and he still uses it as an away message- with my last name spelled wrong :-) - to this day. I adore nothing more than people mentioning me in their rather public declerations- I like to think of myself as someone that my friend's other friends have heard about, so my endearingly misspelled name in Greg's away message is probably more of a thrill for me than my complement was for him.

This summer I had the infamy of being an intical part of all sorts of lives, and people made it well-known that I was. My closest ties seem to all have been...well, not severed, but lessened anyway, and I am no longer the public name I once was- except to a bunch of people in Australia a few days ago. The disappointment of not seeing my name in gracing other people's documents as often is probably the least tragic of all the affects, but it's the most tangible right now.

I could go on about this, but I still have several pages in Hunchback that will most likely go unread, at least until I have some free time tomorrow morning, and I really want to be sleeping.

Got the monkey, though.

On with it.