As of 1:30 est, the most recently updated blog online was something called "Ihatetomatoes".
I have to start checking out other people's blogs, and hope that they will check out mine.
Soon I'm gonna start up a team blog, that is, one where anyone with an account can post, for all my friends. So that I can have a happy little log of all my friend's blather in the general direction of each other.
Mais helas, I must go now....getting ready for yet another 4 hour shift at the Dairy Iron Maiden, or whatever that place is called. At least it's pay day- I can do cool stuff now. Hurrah.
"I heard you crying loud
*Mumbles incoherently for a long ass-time*
As you sit around feeling sorry for yourself
Well don't get lonely now."
-Green Day, When I come around.
Think I'd really like this song if I knew the lyrics.
My name is Linda, and I am wearing pink socks. On with it.