Thursday, August 23, 2001
Sorta sick that my boyfriend's reaction to that last post was that of a perverse oppurtunist and not a concerned or angry boyfriend. But I wouldn't like him half as much if he wasn't sorta sick.
I went for a walk today, at first it was supposed to be to the big apple then to the teen center where I would listen to Ani, who, amidst all this bullshit that's happening to me, still makes me feel better than anyone I've met......or at least than anyone I've met has so far. I ended up going from the big apple to the high school to check to see if Mrs. McKee was working the same long-ass hours she was yesterday, and then I hiked up route 9, where, upon seeing Andrew's mother drive by, I called him. I was about a half a mile away from his house and he started walking to meet me. I went to his house and got the grand tour which involved talking to *both* of his parents. *shudddddder*
I called home for a ride- my mom isn't allowed to eat today because she's having a camera shoved up her ass tomorrow looking for cancer or something, and she's feeling weak and sick, so my father had gone out to eat without it being a personal affront to her. So when I called she said she'd have him come get me upon his return...which apparently wasn't for a while, because when Jenn called, my mom had her pick me up. This lead to me and Jenn making movie plans tonight, and since I'm leaving in twenty minutes and I want to covertly eat something without my mom knowing about it first, I'd better be finishing the unclimaxal post.
My name is Linda, and, uh, I......fuuuuuuuuck, YOU try and come up with things to say about me over and over again, see how you do. On with it!